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Q: How do you get that pixelated look in your 3D videos?
A: I use the old internal render engine of Blender 2.79 to render frames in low resolution, without anti-aliasing. Then I upscale everything with 'nearest neighbor' in AfterEffects or with a Photoshop macro. If I also want a reduced color palette and dithering, I do this with a Photoshop macro or with the help of PixDither by Wunkolo. If you need retro-computer color palettes compatible with Photoshop, you can find them HERE.

Q: What are the inspirations for your work?
A: I made a dedicated page to answer this question:
Inspirations and influences.

Q: What equipment do you use to record your music?
A: You can find a complete gear list for my album Cyberspace Database HERE. I also made a site with some personal thoughts about most of the synthesizers I used in the past, HERE.

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(C) 1984-2024 Fornax Void, all rights reserved

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